Achtung! Die Kurve... download

DJ OldGames

 Achtung! Die Kurve...

release year
 Hero Music Company
genre / theme
 snake, multiplayer, hot-seat
 Amiga (1993), PC DOS (1995)
Achtung, die Kurve!, also known as Curve Fever (or Dune 3 on Amiga), is a freeware, multiplayer computer game that supports from two-player up to six-player gaming simultaneously. The game is a clone of the lesser known Cervii (Worms) from 1993, differing in that the lines now have holes. Author is Filip Oščádal, aka Fred Brooker, from the Czech Republic who made this game, together with Kamil Doležal (Kevin Updike), for Commodore Amiga including music, sound effects and graphical background (worm speed depending on the picture). The game was written in Motorola 68000 assembly. The MS-DOS port of game is supposedly from 1995 and written in Borland C++...
rating (OldGames): 50%
rating (Users):
game added: 02.12.2020, 15:29 (dj)
last update: 02.12.2020, 16:31 (dj)
visits: 4033x
Achtung! Die Kurve... -
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