1941: Counter Attack download

DJ OldGames

 1941: Counter Attack

release year
 Capcom Co., Ltd.
 Capcom Co., Ltd.
genre / theme
 arcade, shooter, top-down, vertical-scrolling, WWII
 Arcade (1990), SuperGrafx (1991)
1941: Counter Attack is a vertical scrolling shooter arcade game by Capcom, released in February 1990. It was the second sequel to 1942, and the third game in the 19XX series. It was ported to the SuperGrafx in 1991. Player 1 uses a P-38 Lightning and Player 2 uses a new plane: DH.98 Mosquito. The game shifts from the original Pacific Front setting with that of the Western Front, in the north Atlantic Ocean. The goal is to shoot down enemy airplanes and collect weapon power-ups. The game uses a vitality system instead of life system in which if the player is hit, it loses one point of vitality and the player is destroyed if hit with 0 vitality then the player is given the option to continue...
rating (OldGames): 75%
rating (Users):
game added: 25.11.2020, 18:46 (dj)
last update: 26.11.2020, 10:50 (dj)
visits: 2433x
1941: Counter Attack -
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