Realms of Arkania 3: Shadows over Riva download

DJ OldGames

 Realms of Arkania 3: Shadows over Riva

release year
 Attic Entertainment Software
 Sir-tech Software, Inc.
genre / theme
Shadows over Riva is the third and final part in the Das Schwarze Auge trilogy. Again Orcs have overrun the countryside of the small coast town of Riva. During their quest to bring these raids to an end, the party reveals a mystic and very exiting story and in the end saves the lifes of thousands of people...
rating (OldGames): 85%
rating (Users):
game added: 22.09.2008, 23:34 (dj)
last update: 13.07.2011, 16:01 (dj)
visits: 46077x
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