Ripper download

DJ OldGames


release year
 Take‑Two Interactive Software, Inc.
 Take‑Two Interactive Software, Inc.
genre / theme
 FMV, action, 1st-person
 PC DOS, Macintosh
Ripper is an interactive FMV adventure, includes movie celebrities such as Christopher Walken, Scott Cohen, Tahnee Welch, Ossie Davis, John Rhys-Davies and more. Ripper takes place in New York City in the year 2040. It opens with the investigation of the recent murder of Renee Stein, the third victim of a serial killer known as "The Ripper", largely out of the modus operandi similarity to Jack the Ripper. The player assumes the role of Jake Quinlan, a reporter for the Virtual Herald, whom The Ripper sends messages to detailing his murders. Along with the police(whose investigation is headed by Detective Vincent Magnotta), Quinlan is seeking The Ripper's true identity...
rating (OldGames): 68%
rating (Users):
game added: 03.01.2012, 21:28 (dj)
last update: 10.01.2018, 08:11 (dj)
visits: 19272x
Ripper - PC DOS
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