Amberstar was the first installment in Thalion Software's never-finished Amber Trilogy, a computer role-playing game franchise. The game was set in the fictional world of Lyramion and begins with the player situated at the graves of his parents. As the player sets out for adventure, it becomes apparent that an evil entity named Lord Tarbos, who was imprisoned a thousand years earlier, is about to be released again to wreak havoc upon Lyramion...
rating (OldGames): 81%
game added: 09.01.2006, 14:41 (dj)
last update: 23.02.2013, 12:36 (dj)
visits: 39109x
PC, Battle
Game Details
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stats |
Games |
:: 1275 |
Extras |
:: 8241 |
Comments |
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