Bard's Tale Trilogy (Remastered) download

DJ OldGames

 Bard's Tale Trilogy (Remastered)

release year
 Krome Studios
 inXile Entertainment
genre / theme
 fantasy, dungeon-crawler, turn-based, remaster
 PC Windows
The Bard's Tale Trilogy was released in 2018 by Brian Fargo's comapny inXile Entertainment as a remaster of original versions from 1985 (1986, 1988). Remake was created by developers from Krome Studios with respect to the original game using Unity engine. Inspired by Apple IIgs / Atari ST version, the graphics of animated 2D images were hand-drawn in the same style into the higher resolution, while the graphics of the 3D view are completely three-dimensional. All the textures are faithful to the original and the whole style, the movement remained classic grid-base (square by square) with the possibility of mouse look in 3D window. From a gaming perspective, remaster allows a few simplifications (in Legacy Options can be turned off), adds an automap, new portraits and, for example, the player has the ability to create female characters...
rating (OldGames): 75%
rating (Users):
game added: 31.08.2018, 10:27 (dj)
last update: 02.09.2018, 12:21 (dj)
visits: 14025x
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