Magic Candle III, The download

DJ OldGames

 Magic Candle III, The

release year
 Mindcraft Software, Inc.
 Mindcraft Software, Inc.
genre / theme
 fantasy, turn-based, top-down
The Magic Candle III is a sequel of a series of epic fantasy RPG from top-down view with turn-based battles. Like the precedesors, MC3 is also characterized by its large game world (in a box there is attached paper map of Solian Lands) with many towns and dungeons. The country is spreading by dangerous disease, which upsets forest monsters against the villagerss, destroying crops and threatening cities. The main task of the six heroes will be finding the source of infection to stop it, which is related to a Magic Candle...
rating (OldGames): 60%
rating (Users):
game added: 26.08.2014, 09:43 (dj)
last update: 26.08.2014, 14:51 (dj)
visits: 9763x
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