Might and Magic 7: For Blood and Honor is the seventh installment in the Might and Magic series of RPG developed by New World Computing. It uses the same 3D graphics engine as its predecessor - MM6: The Mandate of Heaven. The game takes place in the world of Enroth, across the continent of Antagarich. The continent is divided up into several regions, including the elven lands of Avlee and Tularean Forest, the barrens of Deyja which house the necromancer stronghold of The Pit, the swamps and snow-capped mountains of Tatalia, the Bracada desert and the cloud city of Celeste, Mount Nighon, the islands of Emerald Isle and Evernmorn, the dwarven lands of the Barrow Downs, the human kingdom of Erathia, and the realm of Harmondale. By the time the game starts, the aftermath of the war in Heroes of Might and Magic III has led the elves of Avlee and the humans of Erathia in a political dispute on the boundaries of Harmondale, with tensions slowly increasing...
rating (OldGames): 76%
game added: 27.04.2015, 10:25 (dj)
last update: 29.12.2020, 02:52 (dj)
visits: 3801x