Spelljammer: Pirates of Realmspace download

DJ OldGames

 Spelljammer: Pirates of Realmspace

release year
 Strategic Simulations, Inc. (SSI)
genre / theme
 AD&D, fantasy, sci-fi, turn-based, strategy
Spelljammer: the Pirates of Realmspace is an RPG designed by Cybertech (Al Escudero), based on Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, Second Edition, Spelljammer rules. Spelljammers are magic ships that fly through "wildspace" to various planets. All the planets and wildspace for a system are contained in a Crystal Sphere. The player captains a ship and crew, can ship goods from planet to planet for a fee, take on simple missions including, delivering people and goods, destroying pirates, and guarding the space lanes. As the player completes missions his character gains reputation points, eventually gaining enough points to be asked to help rid Realmspace of a terrible danger...
rating (OldGames): 55%
rating (Users):
game added: 21.01.2015, 11:26 (dj)
last update: 15.01.2021, 22:31 (dj)
visits: 11436x
Spelljammer: Pirates of Realmspace - Orbiting Toril
Orbiting Toril
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