Ratings on games by Chulanbetra

DJ OldGames


Tomas Dzamko

old school gamer

Tomas Dzamko joined the OldGames.sk from: 24.03.2010
last logged in: 08.04.2022

Ratings / votes by chulanbetra

List of ratings (14)   |   Average = 88.93%
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Results: 14 [ 1-14/14 ]   «previous 0 next»
  Game Date
95% Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars 08.09.2011, 23:23
95% Panzer General 08.09.2011, 23:08
95% Jagged Alliance 2 08.09.2011, 23:07
55% Alien Virus 08.09.2011, 23:12
80% Gene Machine, The 08.09.2011, 23:36
95% X-COM: UFO Defense 08.09.2011, 23:08
95% Quest for Glory 1: So You Want To Be A Hero 08.09.2011, 23:46
90% Prisoner of Ice 08.09.2011, 23:49
95% Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 08.09.2011, 23:30
90% Secret of Monkey Island, The 08.09.2011, 23:53
90% Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos 20.07.2013, 23:14
90% Simon the Sorcerer 08.09.2011, 23:53
95% Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis 31.08.2011, 15:37
85% Companions of Xanth 08.09.2011, 23:21
Results: 14 [ 1-14/14 ]   «previous 0 next»

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