
DJ OldGames

Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven

 Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven
Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven
2002, Illusion Softworks, a.s. / Illusion Softworks, a.s.
Mafia is a 3D action-adventure / driving video game developed by Illusion Softworks, released for Windows in August 2002, and later ported to the PlayStation 2 and the Xbox consoles in 2004. Set within the fictional city of Lost Heaven in the 1930s, the game's storyline follows the rise and fall of mobster Tommy Angelo within the Salieri Mafia family. Mafia's storyline gameplay consists of driving, mainly easy city cruises between different locations, as well as chases and races; the rest of the game is based on third-person on-foot navigation and shooting - all inter-connected with cutscenes. The original cinematic inspirations of Mafia were films like Goodfellas and The Godfather, aiming for a more serious and mature tone for the game. Wanting to create a rich story line, director Daniel Vavra tried to mix drama, action and humour to heighten the game's realism...
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 » Covers, PC Windows (US Release)  - 26.05.2020,
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Enlarge | Main Menu (Full HD, cz)
Main Menu (Full HD, cz)
Enlarge | Tutorial (Full HD, cz)
Tutorial (Full HD, cz)
Enlarge | Intro Cutscene (Full HD)
Intro Cutscene (Full HD)
Enlarge | Intro Cutscene 2 (Full HD)
Intro Cutscene 2 (Full HD)
Enlarge | First mission (Full HD)
First mission (Full HD)
Enlarge | First mission (Full HD)
First mission (Full HD)
Enlarge | Cops (Full HD)
Cops (Full HD)
Enlarge | Giuliano Bridge (Full HD)
Giuliano Bridge (Full HD)
Enlarge | Running Mission (Full HD)
Running Mission (Full HD)
Enlarge | Cutscene in the Bar (Full HD)
Cutscene in the Bar (Full HD)
Enlarge | Salieri Bar - pool (Full HD)
Salieri Bar - pool (Full HD)
Enlarge | Ralph (Full HD)
Ralph (Full HD)
Enlarge | Vincenzo (Full HD)
Vincenzo (Full HD)
Enlarge | Mission (Full HD)
Mission (Full HD)
Enlarge | Tramway (Full HD)
Tramway (Full HD)
Enlarge | Gas station (Full HD)
Gas station (Full HD)

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