Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer download

DJ OldGames

 Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer

release year
 Lerner Research
 Electronic Arts, Inc.
genre / theme
 flight simulator, aviation, vector
 Apple II, Commodore 64, DOS (1987), Macintosh, PC-98 (1988), Amstrad CPC, MSX, ZX Spectrum (1989)
Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer is a computer aircraft simulation game developed by Edward (Ned) Lerner and published by Electronic Arts in 1987. It was originally released as Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Simulator but due to a legal dispute with Microsoft over the term "Flight Simulator," the game was pulled from shelves and renamed. Chuck Yeager served as technical consultant for the game, where his likeness and voice were prominently used. The game allows a player to "test pilot" 14 different airplanes, including the Bell X-1, which Yeager had piloted to become the first man to exceed Mach 1. The game is embellished by Yeager's laconic commentary: When the user crashes one plane, Yeager remarks "You really screwed the pooch on that one," or other asides...
rating (OldGames): 50%
rating (Users):
game added: 16.12.2020, 09:05 (dj)
last update: 16.12.2020, 11:27 (dj)
visits: 2990x
Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer - DOS
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