Daughter of Serpents (The Scroll) download

DJ OldGames

 Daughter of Serpents (The Scroll)

release year
 Eldritch Games
 Millennium Interactive Ltd.
genre / theme
 detective, mystery
Daughter of the Serpent is a graphic adventure game with a point-and-click interface. An exotic, ancient city bustling with life. A strange, unnatural creature. A murder. And you, on a business trip to Alexandria, Egypt, suddenly involved in the case of a mysterious cult that deals with strange forces...
rating (OldGames): 62%
rating (Users):
game added: 14.11.2005, 17:08 (dj)
last update: 30.05.2012, 12:12 (dj)
visits: 23527x
Daughter of Serpents (The Scroll) -
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