Urban Runner: Lost in Town download

DJ OldGames

 Urban Runner: Lost in Town

release year
 Coktel Vision
 Sierra On‑Line, Inc.
genre / theme
 FMV, interactive movie
 PC Windows 3.1, Windows 95
Urban Runner is a movie adventure spanning four CD-ROMs controlled by a mouse, divided into Clue and Actions turns. The player character is Max (played by Brandon Massey), an American journalist in Paris, covering a story about a drug dealer shielded by an influential politician. To get the drug lord talking, the player offers him photographs, but when the player arrives he is dead, and the player is framed for the murder...
rating (OldGames): 56%
rating (Users):
game added: 06.03.2010, 15:18 (dj)
last update: 18.09.2020, 13:38 (dj)
visits: 15751x
Urban Runner: Lost in Town - Start game in the basement...
Start game in the basement...
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