Map - Demo - Gate House

CadaverCam ™
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Demo - Gate House

Cadaver - 'Gate House' Demo

In 1 (Main Passage) push the button on the western wall twice to remove the spikes on the floor, grab the diary, the crossbow, the bolts and the pyramidal gem.

In 2 (Main Passage) get the key and go via  3 (Passage) to 4 (Armoury). 

In 4 open the chest to get a runic stone (Bless Arrow), a stamina potion and a shard from the sword. Pull the lever to remove the block from the door, grab the bolts and go to 6 via 5.

In 6 (Barrack Room) open the chest and get a stamina potion and some bolts. Go to 8 via 7.

In 8 (Captains Room) jump on the chest and push he button hidden in the trophy to get a golden key. Open the chest and get a freeze spell, the guards key and some money. jump on the bed and get another piece of the sword. With the Guards Key in your possesion you can go to 11 via 9 and 10.

In 11 (Watch Post) get the Goalers Key and the sword hilt. You can now visit the cells 12 and 13 but for it's not really necessary.

In 12 pull the lever to lower the chain and jump in the pit. In 13 you can leave if you carry the Goalers Key or if youpush the button and pay a price.

In 9 pull the lever to reveal the hidden door to 14. Go to room 14.

In 14 (Watch Room) read the paper for a hint of what to do with the sword pieces. Open the chest and get some Money, a stamina potion, a shield potion and a super fast potion. Go to room 15.

In 15 (Trap Room) drop the three pieces of the sword in the circle to recieve the sword back repaired. Open the chest and get another gem. Go to room 16.

In 16 (Outer Stair) insert the sword in the slot on the west wall to remove the block past the stairs. Get the key in the north east corner of the room. Return to room 1 and enter room 17 through the door in the west wall.

In 17 (Stairway) go upstairs and use the key from room 16 in the keyhol. Enter room 18.

In 18 (Store) take the spike and open the chest (this locks the door) get the giant jump potion and the third pyramidal gem. Insert the spike in the hole on the west wall to unlock the door. Pull the lever to open a trap door. Before you jump in the pit, make sure that you got 100% health. Jump down the pit.

In 20 (Pit) the door is blocked and some magic drain your health continously. Short before all health is drained, the block will go up and you can escape to room 21.

In 21 (Stairway) you recieve a bonus gem for going through the pit. Go upstair to room 22.

In 22 (Ward Chapel) jump on the altar and get the flask with blood. Drop the blood in the golden bowl, get the bowl and jum on the altar again, now drop the bowl on the altar to get a massaker spell. Go to room 2.

In 2 (Main Passage) wait until a monster appears and kill the monster when it's on the floor with the crossbow or the massacre spell. Go to 16.

In 16 (Outer Stair) insert the three pyramidal gems in the right slot to remove the spikes on the stairs. Jump on the stairs and go upstairs back in room 2.

In 2 (Main Passage) you are now on the wooden platform. Take the coin, jump on the floor and insert the coin into the slot on the west wall. This opens the exit in the upper part of room 2. Go back to room 16 and climb the stairs again to re-enter room 2.

If you try to go through the exit door a "Game Over" Message appears - that's it!

~ Amiga Format Cover Disk #13