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DJ OldGames

 Digital Illusions CE AB

Logo In November 2004 Electronic Arts announced its intent to buy all outstanding shares of the company. The offer was accepted and on March 31, 2005 EA owned 62% of the company. The acquisition was completed on October 2, 2006 and the studio was renamed EA Digital Illusions CE AB.
last modification: 28.10.2009, 16:08 (dj)

Games list of Digital Illusions CE AB

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 S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, 10.12.2024
 Arx Fatalis, 20.08.2024
 Alchemix, 11.07.2024
 Slanina 2, 29.06.2024
 Firewall: Man vs. Machine, 25.06.2024
 Tomb Raider II, 22.02.2024
 Joust, 24.11.2023
 Fortress of Dr. Radiaki, The, 01.10.2023
 Rampage, 23.09.2023
 Lost Vikings 2: Norse by Norsewest, 03.07.2023
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