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All game comments (7768)

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|  Michal Fábery
30.04.2012, 19:00 
Ako sa to prepanakrala hraje, beham po meste ako nafukana koza a každy po mne strieľa ale čo mam urobiť to neviem, ziskal som dve karty no nenašiel som dvere kde by som ich zastrčil, boože čo to je ??? edit: tak ako obvykle ked si newiem rady pomože ujo google a youtube, Môj dojem: podstatou hry je zabiť 7 dilerov, pritom Vám hra necháva slobodu poradia ich likvidácie. Celkovo je hra dosť nepodarkom, lebo stačí že vytiahnete na ulici zbraň a už po Vás všetci pália a aj keď zbraň nevytiahnete tak sa často stane, že po Vás začnú strieľať bezdôvodne. Spomínaní šéfovia sú kapitola sama o sebe pretože častokrát sa nachádzajú na miestach, na ktorých by ste ich ani nehľadali. Veľké nedostatky má hra aj level designe pretože sa často stáva, že sa rozbehnete po schodoch, ktoré nikam nevedú. SUMA SUMARUM - hru podľa Youtube dohrajete za nejaké 2 hodinky a pocit, že cheatujete si môžte odpustiť alebo si ho šetrite pre iné hry - toto je absolútna blbosť so špatnou grafikou a s hernými princípmi vytiahnutými z popolnice ...
|  Laco Wolf
30.04.2012, 18:36 
Mne sa podobne chovala pod W98SE Arkania dvojka. Ta mi ale robila to, ze vedela vyuzivat swap "donekonecna" :) Proste zacala zapisovat do swapu a ked nim zaplnila disk (co v tej dobe nebol problem), vypisala OUT OF MEMORY :) Nevedel som vtedy na to prist ani za svet a dlhu dobu som si myslel, ze si tu hru nikdy nezahram. Potom som raz sedel v skole a dostal som (spravny) napad, ako to vyriesit, tak som nasimuloval odpadnutie z nizkeho tlaku, aby ma poslali domov a mohol som to vyskusat :)
|  Michal Fábery
30.04.2012, 17:26 
ako to do marišky spustim, --- do originalneho sw foldru som extrahoval datadisk a spustil ten bat subor, ale furt je to pôvodna hra... co s tym ??? edit: no vyriesil som to stiahnutim datadisku z 3Drealms stranky, ale aj tak je potrebny originalny sw... ale uz to slape :D. Škoda, že Ken Silverman build engine nevylepšoval ďalej - hry stvorené v ňom mi prídu zábavnejšie ako hry v carmackovských enginoch, nie su síce 3D ale hry ako Duke3D, Blood, Redneck Rampage a tiež aj SW mi prídu z pohľadu dnešnej doby lepšie ako Quake 1, 2, Unreal 1, ...
|  Maros S
30.04.2012, 16:42 
Asi myslel ten "Source engine port" povodneho Half life. Skoda len ze neportovali aj datadisky, hlavne teda Opposing force ktory bol rovnako dobry ako HL, Blue shift uz bol trosku slabsi, ale iba trosku. Inac s niektorym datadiskom (tusim s Blue shiftom asi) bol distribuovany aj "High texture pack", ktory zvysoval kvalitu textur a okrem toho nahradil texturu toho povodneho HL samopalu na klasicku M16 pusku. Mam to zhodou okolnosti aj rozohrane pod Win32 uz asi pol roka, tak raz mesacne dam nejaku hodinku dve.... ked nezabudnem tipnem nejake obrazky. Hram to z povodnej verzie s HT packom. Mam aj ten Source engine port, ale hral som ho iba raz kedysi pred 4-5 rokmi. Ono nejaky moc viditelny rozdiel medzi tymi verziami inac v skutocnosti ani nie je, len par drobnych efektov pokial sa dobre pamatam. Akurat je vyhoda ze ten Source port je v pohode spustitelny, original mi napr. pod XP64 nejde, lebo pri kapacite 6GB RAM ma zrusi s hlaskou ze hra nutne potrebuje na chod az 32 MB RAM co ja vraj nemam :-). Mysli si ze 6 GB je 6 MB a koniec.
|  hypnos
30.04.2012, 16:31 
petris - myslis black mesa? ono to je uz hotove? jsem si na to uz dlouho nevzpomnel
|  p3tris
30.04.2012, 12:49 
Tohle byl hodně dlouhou dobu můj velký rest. V době vydání na mě byla moc složitá, ale nainstaloval jsem jí a vyzkoušel kdysi z nějaké pirátské verze a mám na to nehezké vzpomínky. Byl u ní totiž špatný odinstalátor a místo hry mi to smazalo veškeré věci v Program Files. Nakonec jsem hrál až tu verzi, co vyšla na novém enginu s Half-Life 2 a byla to určitě jedna z nejlepších FPS, co jsem kdy hrál.
|  p3tris
30.04.2012, 12:30 
Jedna z nejuznávanějších her na Specyho, která ale mě osobně nikdy tak úplně nechytla. Vždycky jsem dával přednost hrám od Ultimate. Ale nedá se jí upřít svoje kouzlo a nádherná grafika.
|  DJ
30.04.2012, 12:16 
Tehuapac: Mas pravdu, vyskusal som to a naozaj v starsej verzii balicka s ceskym prekladom ochrana nefunguje tak ako ma. Ani po zadani spravnych slov sa neda cez nu dostat. Ako som uz nizsie spominal, zrejme to bolo tym, ze preklad prepisuje aj samotny subor EOB.EXE a asi nejako poserie ochranu. V novej verzii balicka som po aplikovani cestiny tento subor znova rucne `crackol` takze staci zadat akekolvek slovo a hra pokracuje dalej. Stiahni si novu (CZ) verziu, nainstaluj, prekopiruj tam svoj stary save (subor EOBDATA.SAV) a mozes pokracovat.
|  viktor
29.04.2012, 18:30 
ty kokso.. to uz je tak daavno a pride mi to ako vcera, ked som to hral ako novinku.. miesto na jej patri zasluzene :)
29.04.2012, 17:32 
Jediná hra, ktorú som prešiel až trikrát...a pokojne by som si ju dal znova.
|  Klokan
29.04.2012, 15:29 -remake pre PC
|  Maros S
27.04.2012, 22:16 
No, ja akurat robim prve kroky v Level 2, tak uvidim kam sa az stihnem dostat. Nemyslim si ze sa nejako daju pozerat statistiky predmetov... na to je tiez dobre to Faq/hint zo stranky gamefaqs. Tam mas popisy vseho mozneho, hlavne tam zistis ktore predmety su vyslovene k nicomu a nebudes sa musiet trapit tym ze ti zaberaju miesto a budes ich moct bez obav vyhadzovat. Inventar je fakt neskutocne maly, ale to uz si hadam aj zistil sam.... najhorsie ked sa ti uz zacnu hromadit lepsie zbrane ako SMG, Assault rifle a uz nebudes moct nic vyhodit a pritom budes musiet nieco vyhodit :-), holt naucis sa casom aj obetovat niektore predmety.
|  Laco Wolf
27.04.2012, 22:07 
Ja som chcel ten manual hlavne kvoli tomu, ze su tam rozpisane zbrane s ich ucinnostou. Zatial som neprisiel na to, ako sa prezeraju statistiky predmetov. Inac uz mam Limbo za sebou.
|  Maros S
27.04.2012, 20:42 
Wolfus> Takze ides na to? Len si davaj pozor na to saveovanie a mysli na to ze loadnutim sa ti obnovia priserky, zasadne neukladaj s ponicenym zdravim... restovanie sa robi drzanim stlaceneho space. Manual - uz som tajne dufal ze to bude nejaka ina verzia nez mam ja, ale bohuzial asi iny sken na celom internete nie je... a fakt som hladal dooost dlho. Ono o nic nejde, akuraj ze ako je tam ta mapka levelu 1 tak je prakticky nepouzitelna, lebo tam velke ... houby vidiet. Keby si sa mooooooc velmi nudil, vytipaj a poskladaj in-game mapu levelu 1 alebo aj vsetkych miest a tak... :-) mne sa teda vobec nechcelo aj ked som asi 10 sekund nad tym uvazoval. Ale inac da sa, v tom gamefaqs navode su vypisane kde sa asi tak nachadzaju jednotlive lokacie a da sa to v pohode najst vsetko.
|  Tehuapac
27.04.2012, 20:18 
Takže konkrétny prípad: Na stránke so symbolom brnenie na riadku 2 zadaj slovo 1. Zadal som teda slovo HOUND. Následne som bol znova vyzvaný o zadanie tej istej pozície, tak som znova zadal slovo HOUND. Znova som bol vyzvaný na stránke so symbolom kríž na riadku 6 zadaj slovo 3 - zadal som slovo DISPLAYED. Tieto slová som pozrel v manuáli, boli zhodné aj so slovami ktoré tu uvádza Maros S. Po zadaní týchto troch slov hra spadla. Hral som verziu s češtinou, ktorú som stiahol z týchto stránok.
|  Laco Wolf
27.04.2012, 19:46 
Ak by bol zaujem o manual, je na FTP...
|  DJ
27.04.2012, 15:12 
Tehuapac: Skus napisat konkretny priklad, na ktory sa ta hra pyta. Nie je to nic zlozite, otazky su vzdy na slova v hornych riadkoch a pokial tam je nahodou nadpis (co by ale nemal byt) rata sa aj ten za riadok. S verziou bez ochrany bol problem pri ceskej verzii. Instalacia cestiny totizto prepise aj `cracknuty` EOB.EXE subor na povodny, takze sa v hre ochrana opat objavi. Urobil som nove instalacne balicky a cesku verziu som aj rucne `crackol`, avsak iba tou jednoduchsou formou, takze otazky na manual sa zobrazia, ale staci tam zadat akekolvek slovo.
|  Maros S
26.04.2012, 21:24 
Preco si nestiahnut cracknutu verziu, resp. verziu oznacovanu ako "rev 1.4" ktora ma cele otazky uplne odstranene takze to vobec neukazuje poziadavku... Ale ked uz tak uz tu je kompletny (vraj je) zoznam: Prvy je uvedeny Symbol, potom prve cislo je Riadok (Line), druhe cislo je Slovo (Word). Bohuzial v editovacom okne to mam po aplykacii copy-paste zobrazene pekne v tabulke ale po ulozeni to na stranke vidiet rozhadzane tak som to takto nejako upravil. Book Line Word 1 1 AROUND 3 1 PUMMEL 3 2 CAREFREE 6 1 GNOMES Egg 1 3 CLERICS 3 1 PUMMEL 3 4 MYSTIC Mace 1 1 WEALTH 4 3 OFFICIALS 5 3 WIZARD Shield 1 2 RANK 3 3 WEAPONS 4 2 CERTAIN 4 3 SHORT 5 1 REAR 6 2 AWAY 6 6 LINE 9 2 CAN 10 2 ATTACKS Flail 3 3 USING 4 3 FITNESS 5 3 TOUGHNESS Armour 2 1 HOUND 3 3 DISTURBING 4 2 FLAMING Holy Symbol 1 5 DUNGEON 2 2 CURSOR 3 6 FEATURE 5 1 INFORMATION 6 3 DISPLAYED 7 1 BELOW
|  carHrozny
26.04.2012, 20:53 
Myslím,že za riadok sa počítajú aj nadpisy
|  Tehuapac
26.04.2012, 20:09 
Do pekla, čo je zle (lepšie povedané čo robím zle)? Keď chcem prejsť z prvej úrovne na druhú, chce hra odo mňa, aby som zadal nejaké slová z manuálu (na stránke s týmto symbolom riadok 3 slova 2 a pod.)Siahol som si manuál ku hre, našiel som stránku so symbolom, zadal slovo v príslušnom riadku - a po troch opakovaniach (samostatných pokusoch??) sa hra ukončí. Čo robím zle?? Ako mám z manuálu napočítať to správne slovo??? Vďaka za radu.
|  Alexander Meltinus
24.04.2012, 22:50 
This game has one of the most beautifully crafted pixelarts I know. A real eyecandy.
|  Alexander Meltinus
24.04.2012, 01:25 
I like this game. It has a nice looking graphic and a pleasant soundtrack. A relaxing experience.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 23:44 
I love Carmageddon, but is there a way to get cd-audio working with dosbox? Without music it's just half the fun for me... :( Is it possible to unlock the uncut version?
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 15:40 
The first game I ever played. I still like it and play a level from time to time.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 15:38 
Very unique game where you play an insect. Not very good gameplay-wise, but entertaining and different.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 15:35 
For me, Thief 2 is the best sneak-adventure out there. It features a dark and grim steampunk-medieval-world with strange robots and disturbing religious fanatics (the mechanists around their charismatic leader Karras). The gameplay is very unique, for you have to sneak around and avoid open battles with guards and other menaces. It's also very nonlinear and open. I play it at least one time in every year. Don't forget to install the ddfix to get it to work properly.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 15:32 
Interesting haunted-house-plot which gets very confusing after some hours. It's nonetheless an nice attempt to blend adventure and 3d-action to a own gameplay.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 15:30 
An extremely immersive simulation of a realistic alien world. I love everything on Outcast: Beautiful voxel-graphics, unmatched orchestral score, excellent voice-acting and a very intriguing story. Outcast is one of these games you play and never forget. It's a classic and even today it has no equal.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 15:27 
This game has a graphic, which was miles ahead of everything comparable in its time. The gameplay is full of variety, but it's a difficult game - and you can't save in the levels. I found this to be the only major drawback.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 15:26 
The first part of the Hitman-series is still my favourite. It features very different levels where you have to act as an assassin. Some levels are very nonlinear and give you the chance to act as you like. Especially the level in a hotel in Budapest is one of my favourite moments in all gaming history.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 15:23 
Interesting sword-fighting game with a revolutionar combat system, where you direct the weapon completely by your mouse. I especially like the "arena"-mode, where you fight waves of enemies. It's really funny to severe limb for limb from orcs and other opponents. :D
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 15:20 
Excellent game with a astonishing graphic for its time. You have full 360 degree-freedom to fly around in a versatile little ship to clean various mineshaft-labyrinths of rebelling robots. Cool enemy-design and a lot of action. Very recommended.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 15:17 
Ween is a strange adventure with various bizarre moments and characters. I like it's original and different worlds.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 15:15 
Fascinating, very atmospheric iso-game with a intriguing vampire-plot. Recommended!
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 15:15 
A charming, almost forgotten adventure in the age of musketeers. I loved the graphic design and the quirky sidekick characer.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 15:13 
I love this game. The story is around templar-knights and a time-voyage back to the middleages. It's the last game in the old graphic-style of Alone in the Dark, but I like it's design. The gameplay is sometimes very unforgiving - in other words: if you step forward to much, you can get instantly killed. But the medieval atmosphere in an old monastery was very fascinating. I recommend it to everyone who likes Alone in the Dark parts 1-3.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 15:07 
For me, StS2 is simply one of the funniest and most entertaining games ever programmed. It has a dark, sometimes mean humor and features a really dislikeable main character. One of my alltime-favourites.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 15:05 
One of the better interactive movie-adventures in my opinion. It's a classical spooky-mansion-story with a young couple suffering under the influence of a long dead magician. The game features some really disturbing movie sequences.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 15:02 
In this part of QfG, the former hero-apprentice of Spielburg visits a sinister land full of dark myths and bad omens. I found this part of the series to be the most atmospheric, but I didn't like the combat system, which seemed to be much more "arcade" than the others. The game features an interesting and compelling atmosphere and story.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 15:00 
In this 3rd part of the QfG-series, our hero (hero of Spielburg, Prince of Shapeir so far...) visits a africanesque land full of dangers and adventure. I loved the design of the main city of the game, but I found the world to be a little bit empty between the main places of the game.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 14:58 
Beautiful remake of QfG2, excellent appealing graphics and a extraordinar soundtrack. The only thing I don't like is the combat. I found it to be very unforgiving.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 14:57 
The second part of the QfG-series offers an exotic oriental setting. I didn't like the timelimitation for the first quests.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 14:55 
My favourite QfG-Part. Its really userfriendly, offers various characters, a beautiful graphicstyle and is a very convincing blend of adventure and rpg.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 14:52 
Fascinating and somewhat grim Lovecraftesque adventure. It has a really sharp atmosphere which can be frightening sometimes.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 14:49 
My favourite Sherlock Holmes-game so far. I don't like the silver earring and all the newer attempts. I found this one to be very close to the feeling of Doyles characters. Its story develops very slowly, but that's the thing I like. It's a victorian-age adventure, not a actiongame after all. Highly recommended for all fans of Doyles Sherlock Holmes-stories.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 14:45 
A charming little adventure like in the old days of the early nineties. It features nothing special, but I found it relaxing and funny, without real highlights but also without being a waste of time.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 14:42 
I love Loom for its special atmosphere. It feels sometimes like a very refreshing, originally crafted little fairytale. The graphics of the vga-version are also very appealing. However, it's a relatively short game, so don't plan to much time to finish it.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 14:40 
An interesting "myst-clone" from sierra from 1996. The game starts really creepy and fascinating, the atmosphere gets a little bit down later, but is a thoroughly entertaining piece of software. You have to like "machinesque" puzzledesign though, for a lot of puzzles are based on technical aspects.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 14:36 
I don't really like the first LoK, mainly because of the frustrating labyrinth-parts. I advise to use a walkthrough in these parts, it saves a lot of nerves. On the other hand, the game is well done in a appealing graphic-style but with a "flat" main-character.
|  Alexander Meltinus
23.04.2012, 14:34 
Sweet adventure with a sweet heroine ;) However, I found the puzzles to be very irritating sometimes. I especially liked the background-graphics.
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